The Federated Church of Morris
Services are Sundays at 10:00 a.m.
You can watch us on Facebook as well as our website in the Services tab.
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Online Giving
You can now donate to the Federated Church using the link below. Enter an amount and press the "next" button. You may choose to pay the processing fee - ACH is 1% with no transaction fee, whereas credit/debit is 2.9% with a transaction fee of $0.30.
Affiliated with the United Church of Christ and the United Methodist Church
200 South Columbia Ave, Morris, MN 56267
Worship Service at 10:00 a.m.
Office hours: Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Main Office: 589-1153.
Pastor Matt:
Church Worship or Activities Cancellation Policy
Should winter weather lead to cancellation of worship or other activities at any time, you can find out through any one of the following:
Visit this website or our Facebook page. Information will be posted here.
Listen to KKOK (95.7 FM) or KMRS (1230 AM) for weather-related announcements.
Visit the Weather Related Announcements tab on the KMRS/KKOK website.
An email will be sent to the congregation.
Service Group Chairpersons will be called and will call members of their respective groups.
Please do not call the church office; an unanswered phone may mean no one is present, or may mean no one could reach the telephone in time.
If in doubt, be safe, and remain at home.