~Gatherings for Widows and Widowers will meet for lunch Tuesday, at 12:00 noon at Old #1 Southside.
~Tuesday Night Bible Study: will begin on Tuesday at 7 p.m. Our theme is “Questions We Ask God.” We will meet February 11, 18, 25 and March 4. All are welcome!
~Common Cup: Pastor Matt will be at Common Cup on Wednesday from 10-12. Come by for a cup of coffee or just to say hi.
~Seniors on the Move Valentine’s Party: Wednesday, February 12 from 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. at First. All are welcome.
~Fusion: Element: 6:30 p.m. at First
Sr. High – Today – Super Bowl Party 5:30 p.m. at Faith
- Friday: Bible and Breakfast at 7:15a.m. at Faith.
~Community Meal: Federated Church is co-sponsoring February's Community Meal to be served from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Monday, February 24th at Faith Lutheran Church. Please consider signing up to volunteer for either prep on Sunday the 23rd or Monday for the meal. Sign-up sheets will be on the bulletin board soon.
~West Central Christian Homes Annual Meeting: will be Sunday, February 16 at 1 p.m. at Federated. All delegates are urged to attend.
~5-Minute Challenge: Pastor Matt issued us all a challenge. The challenge is to spend five minutes a day in Scripture, prayer or silence with God. If this is already a daily practice for you, try adding five minutes to that. You are invited to continue or begin this challenge as we move throughout the new year.
~Offering Envelope Books: if you would like offering envelopes, please contact either Joan Reicosky or the office and we will get a book of envelopes to you.
~Mission Cart: There are many new items in the Mission Cart. Take a look and see if there is be something you might want to buy as a Christmas gift. If you have any crafts that you would like to add to the cart, please feel free to do so.
~Adult Sunday School: meets at 9 a.m. in the Fireside Room on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. There is no book to buy. Each lesson has a topic related to scriptures and writings by a Franciscan scholar named Richard Rohr. Feel free to come and just listen, express opinions, ask questions, and grow your faith in your own way. If you have any questions, you may get in touch with Thom Howden.
~The Olivewood Project: We have several olivewood carvings available for purchase. The carvings are made by families in Bethlehem. The goal of the Olivewood Project is to help Palestinian Christians in Bethlehem to remain in the Holy Land by providing them income from the sale of their carvings. All of the money from the sale of the carvings goes back to Bethlehem.
~Choristers: Warm up your voices! Choir practice is Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Bring a friend (find a tenor)!
~Access TV: our service will be broadcast on Tuesdays at noon on Mediacom channel 8.
~Name Tags: Please wear your name tag as a way of showing hospitality and welcome to all. If you need a name tag, please