
~Rally and Anniversary Sunday:  Sunday, September 8. After the service, we will have a potluck followed by the anniversary blessing service at 12:15 p.m.


~Thank you! Associate Conference Minister Kelly Gallagher, for attending our Rally and Anniversary Sunday Service.


~Thank you! to all who helped with the Welcome Picnic.


~Adult Sunday School: will start Sunday, September 15th. There is no book to buy. Each lesson has a topic related to scriptures and writings by a Franciscan scholar named Richard Rohr. Feel free to come and just listen, express opinions, ask questions, and grow your faith in your own way. We will meet at 9 a.m. in the Fireside Room. If you have any questions, you may get in touch with Thom Howden.


~New Shirts!  New shirts are available for purchase. The cost is $20 for T-Shirts and $35 for sweatshirts. To order, go to Federated’s home page and click the “Click here to order” button under “New Shirts.” If you would like help ordering, come to the office and we will assist you. The deadline to order is October 1st.


~Common Cup: Pastor Matt will be at Common Cup on Wednesday from 10-12.  Come by for a cup of coffee or just to say hi.


~Fusion:  Element: Parent Information Meeting at 6:30 at First Lutheran.

               Sr. High – Fusion Youth Group Kick Off – Escape Room and Zorbaz September 8th at 2:30 at First Lutheran.


~Gatherings for Widows and Widowers will meet Tuesday, August 10th at noon at Old #1 Southside.


~Choristers: Warm up your voices! Choir practice begins September 18 at 7:00 p.m. Bring a friend (find a tenor)!


~Campus Ministry Free Dinners: Campus Ministry is looking for people to prepare meals for Tuesday Free Dinners. The meal should feed 12 people. Please include a gluten-free option as well. If you are interested, please contact the church office to sign up.


~Mission Cart: If you have any produce from your garden that you would like to add to the cart, please feel free to do so.

~The Olivewood Project: We have several olivewood carvings available for purchase. The carvings are made by families in Bethlehem. The goal of the Olivewood Project is to help Palestinian Christians in Bethlehem to remain in the Holy Land by providing them income from the sale of their carvings. All of the money from the sale of the carvings goes back to Bethlehem.


~Access TV: our service will be broadcast on Tuesdays at noon on Mediacom channel 8. 


~Name Tags: Please wear your name tag as a way of showing hospitality and welcome to all. If you need a name tag, please let the office know.


~Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.